Hi guys, if you’ve been visiting this blog for a while, you may have noticed that my posting schedule is all over the place. I can’t even lie about how hard it has been over the past few to keep up with my schedule. As with most things in life, I try to remember that there is value in getting things done, even if you’re falling behind.

So what have i been up to? Well, for one, I decided that this was the year I face one of my main challenges head on, namely public speaking. I’ve been pushing myself increasingly to step out of my comfort zone both in terms of what I do on blog and what I do during my day gig. I had allowed myself to get comfortable and was rejecting any and all opportunities to truly push myself outside the limits of what I normally do. So without over thinking it, I signed up to speak at events and to present at work conferences as well.

This means that over the past few, I have spent hours stressing for no apparent reason, I have had a few sleepless nights- there’s nothing I love and loathe more than making lists at bedtime in my head. Trying to compartmentalize my thoughts at night is both a fave and dreaded habit of mine- if that makes any sense. It’s funny how much as women we beat ourselves up so much even though, each time we prove to ourselves that we can do things and that we are stronger than we ever imagined.

I can say so far, I have no idea what I was afraid of. I still somewhat dread the anxiety filled moments before, but the overwhelming feeling of accomplishment right after more than makes up for it.

What will you push yourself to do this week? This month? Today?

P.S.  For this week’s outfit, I’m wearing a pair of Express Jeans and Express top. I’m just putting it out there, make sure you try Express Jeans-  these are size 4 and fit like a glove, not a single adjustment needed in the waist or bum or anything- and a phenomenal hold. I’m completely obsessed and have been letting everyone know that they really don’t need to spend a lot of $$$ to get a great pair of jeans.  To make it even better, use code 5743 for $30 off $75+, Deal & Steal- done and done.

UPDATE: Sorry guys, just notified by brand that code is for in store purchases only. So so sorry about mix-up. Please email me at hello@simplycyn.com if you need any assistance… Thanks.


