I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- Summer is my favorite time of year. There’s something about warm weather, being outdoors, hanging out with friends till late while still having the sun out. Summer is a time for BBQ’s and weekend trips, a time for coming out of our shells and out of our apartments. In NYC especially, you can’t help but feel alive and be inspired to do more, see more, experience more.  There’s also this feeling that you have to do everything quick before it goes away- blink and it’ll be labor day.

But first, with all this doing, all the places to see and be seen, it’s no surprise that I get so much more excited about my wardrobe. Turtlenecks and tights be gone, hello shorts and rompers. I’m always keeping my eye out for summer collections- to see who’s got the best to offer, in terms of variety, design and price point.

When LOFT approached me to check out their collection, I gave out a little excited welp. I had been eyeing them for a minute and I had already realized that LOFT did not come to play this season. They are firing on all cylinders with their 97 days of Summer collection. Prints- check, florals – check, gingham- check… they have it all.

This colorful number made me feel like I went on a little trip to the Caribbean- I almost forgot I was still in NYC. I also can’t tell you how many people stopped me to say something really nice. Way to make a girl feel special. And isn’t that what we all like in the summer months. Isn’t that why we dress up? We dress up to feel good, we dress up for ourselves, for our mood, we dress up as armor, as a confidence boost- we step out, arms out, legs out and we don’t have to be perfect, we just need a moment where we feel pretty. In that moment, we smile more, we walk more upright, we invite positive energy – and it all feels magnified in the Summer- when the sun’s out, those 97 DAYS OF SUMMER.

Check out below for my personal fave selections from the collection. But even more importantly, join me at  the Flatiron Loft for a celebration of 97 days of Summer:

Event time: 3 -6pm

Location: 156 5th Ave.

There will be light summer bites (watermelon cubes with feta cheese, strawberry tarts, and a basil lemonade cocktail) and a DJ at the event. See you there. 


