
"its too overwhelming- I can't be bothered to go through that site". Thats what my cousin said to me when I told her to use Etsy to find a good leather bag for a great deal. You see, one year ago, I planned my wedding, and Lord knows I pretty much used Etsy for everything. I discovered the site through a friend who suggested I use it. I have to admit, it can be a little overwhelming, not knowing what or who to look for, but I have slowly become addicted to finding all the amazing stuff, storing them up in my favorites, and trying to decide which ones will be coming home to me or which  to hold off on till next months paycheck.

See, thing is - I do not work for Etsy, I am not getting paid for any promotion, I just know that theres so many wonderful gems on that site, so many amazing artists and collectors, brilliant sellers who care about their product and who go out of their way to please their customers and oftentimes even offer custom options. Best of all the prices and deals are insane. I'm pretty much doing this for my cousin, my beautiful cousin who doesnt have the time to find the great stuff- I'll be highlighting them for her and for you- if you care.


Here today, gone today