From the Comments: Chic and Effortless

I may not respond to all the comments on here, but I read each and everyone.
It is my goal to respond to/address as many as possible if not all
It's not always possible due to my other responsibilities yada yada yada...
Anyhoo, just wanted to thank BeautifullyHuman for asking me to check out Aritzia.

I had heard about them, I know they opened up shop in SOHO
Even walked past it
For some reason, just never checked it out
Kinda how it took me 4 years to finally try Chipotle (not getting into that right now).
Well, thanks to BeautifullyHuman,
I checked out their site and now I'm going to make sure to check out the SOHO store.
Especially as I would like to see the clothes in person.
Note: while not outrageously pricey ($60-$200 on average), 
some of the items are on the higher end of my somewhat frugal shopping style
They may prove to be worthwhile for special occasions and the like.
I hear they are quite well made.
Will keep you updated on my experience.

key to my heart


FYI: Vintage Sale