First off, thanks 2 all for entering 
in fact, due to the positive response to this Giveaway
RachelLovesBob will be sponsoring another giveaway in the near future.
This giveaway will feature some of her new stuff and should be really fun.
So don't fret if you didn't win, there'll be another chance coming up in a couple weeks.
Also- so much fun reading all the responses
Be it travel, family, clothing, education, food. 
We have one life, live it to Max, make sure to do things that 
make you a BETTER Person or that make you HAPPY 
(sensibly of going into debt now)

Michelle said...

Personally I would rather spend my money creating memories, by going on vacations and seeing the world. I always say God would not have split the lands to different sides of the world if we were meant stay in one place.

Chrisearth said...

I would rather(and have been for the last five years) spend money on traveling. While traveling you can still shop for clothing/shoes, eat good food, and be of service to those in need by volunteering!

Kourtney DeBoer said...

I would rather spend my money on making memories. My husband is getting ready to join the Navy and so we are brainstorming ways to carry happy memories with us during out time apart. We decided that making our favorite meals and taking trips to our favorite places would be the best use of our time and money before he ships off to basic training.

Obaa said...

I would rather spend my money on my mom. As i get older, i realize just how much she goes through just to provide for the family on her own. My family is from Ghana, West Africa and property there is usually passed from female to female. Once my grandma passed away my mom was given all the responsibility. I would just want to show her that I appreciate what she does. I'm starting to do it now by getting a second job so that she doesn't have to worry about me while i'm at school. Its the least I can do for all that she does.

c said...

I'd spend it on my daughter's education, university is such a costly affair over here.

And without further ado
Our winner is

Vivi said...

I would love to spend my new found money on travelling but realistically, I would use it to pay off my bills and loans.  THEN with the extra money I got left, let's travel!

Come get ya prize
Send me an email- with your deets.

Winner selected using

Stella Jean


Funky cool