Little to No reality TV: Close to 2 years ago I got rid of cable and that really helped make it much easier. I found myself wasting time I didn’t have watching reality TV. I must admit however, the reality shows dealing with creativity (top Chef, project runway)..I can still do, but I gracefully decline the scripted drama over made-for-tv relationships, insults and designer this or that.

Cooked Lunches: I don’t do this everyday, but not long ago I noticed I was paying for lunches that I didn’t even enjoy. I’d run to the deli next door, the truck, the this, the that and I would enjoy my meal less than a third of the time. If I’m going to eat (calories and all), I need to enjoy my meal. So now, I would rather pack something small I made at home and like (although a busy schedule might not always make this possible)…and if I need to buy lunch, I’d rather shell out a few extra bucks for something I would really enjoy as opposed to empty calories.

You don’t have to finish that: Dear mum, you raised me well, you taught me to sit at table for dinner until I finished my meal. Unfortunately, I am no longer a 7 year old who doesn’t want to eat her veggies, I’m an adult woman who feels guilty for not cleaning my plate. So, I end up eating more than planned cos I hate wasting food. At home, it’s easy, I plate a little at a time. But at restaurants…I feel that I have to finish it. I hate food going to waste so much that If I take it home, I still feel like I have to eat it before it goes bad. But I’m learning, if I paid for it and got satisfaction out of a half portion, then my money wasn’t wasted. I will push the plate away and declare, I’m full, NO MORE.

Pick- a size paper towels: Why do they even make the full size ones. I never need that much. I have to admit, I use up a lot of paper towels. I tried kitchen towels, sponges and such, but I much prefer getting a half size paper towel sheet to clean up little messes. When I get the pick a size it lasts so much longer. Last week, I inadvertently got the regular, color me Pissed.

Talk less, listen more: nuff said.

Read the news (REAL NEWS please- my choice is nytimes everyday): especially the international section: its important to be plugged into whats going on in the world, that theres more than just you and your silly problems (sorry, I’m sure many people reading here have real problems). I want to stay informed and educated…. I want to know facts and not just talking heads opinions, I want to be able to make/have my own Opinions. In college, my professor recommended we pick one reputable paper and read each day…I remember rolling my eyes. Who has time for THAT?

Store brands sometimes rock: There are many times I realize I don’t need to go with the fancy brand name. Guess what? I like Targets tomato sauce just as much as the more expensive brands… I actually prefer their animal crackers. Rite aid has surprisingly good Swiffer type wet pads and Key Food water tastes just as good as Poland Spring. Now sometimes the store brand is so cheap and bad that you really can’t compare (say NO to store brand TP), but I think they deserve a try at least once and you may find yourself saving some moolah.

Getting rid of clutter: its Ok, let it go, you’ll be fine…just let it go. You don’t want to end up on Hoarders, now do you? I try to clear out and clean out. Donate, swap, sell, just get rid of it. Take note of what you give up. Maybe you’ll learn to stop buying black turtlenecks cos you don’t ever wear them. You might find out that you have to admit burgundy is not your color. Why do we keep things, cos we fear that just as soon as we get rid of them, we might need them. Truthfully, that rarely really happens, we just remember the few occasions when it does. Most of all, seeing that you have bought things you didn’t love, never worn and have to get rid off, has helped me be more careful with my purchases. Don’t buy it just cos its on sale and Don’t be a hoarder.

Have you made any small changes?


THIS or THAT: Color me confused


HAPPY MONDAY: Sights and Sounds