This post is sponsored by the new Simply Light Beverages. All opinions are my own.

It's mid-year and like most years (l'm sure I'm not alone in this, or at least I hope I'm not alone), mid-year is right around the point in time when it becomes evident that many, if not all, of the resolutions you made for yourself might not just be happening the way you envisioned. That you're not quite keeping the promises you made for yourself.

I have learned that accomplishments are usually in the small things. That the oversized, overly ambitious goals are great, but it's really in the little things that we can surprise ourselves.

One thing I try to do each year and then try to build on, is to be more watchful not only about how much I consume, but exactly what I put into my body. So, I try to make healthier choices in big and small ways. But sometimes, a healthier diet can get complicated and expensive. Seriously? Why is it that healthier food options are often more expensive even though it's exactly what we all need?

Which is why for me, there have been a few key things that have made it all easier:
and taste

I need to be able to easily purchase - for it to be widely available (as opposed to a specialty store); I need for it to not throw off my weekly grocery budget (gotta stay on budget) and I need it to taste good (cos taste is ultimately everything).

One good decision, which only required a small change, has been making the switch to Simply Light Orange Juice. First, there's 50% less sugar and fewer calories than Simply juice drinks, while still being made with pure and simple ingredients.

Also, all of the Simply Light varieties are non-GMO (not genetically modified) and completely delicious with the required daily dose of Vitamin C in every serving. There are four flavors: Simply Light Orange Pulp Free, Simply Light Orange with Calcium and Vitamin D, Simply Light Lemonade and Simply Light Lemonade with Raspberry. So in other words, there's something for everyone and there should most definitely be something for you.

Tell me in the comments, what simple changes do you make to enjoy life’s satisfying moments and a well-balanced lifestyle?


