It's good to be back. I'm not staying away that long again. I have really missed blogging and I didn't really realize it until I sat down at the computer.

Last week for reasons I mentioned in my previous post (new gig and all), I was simply too mentally exhausted to read, catch up on TV shows, play diner dash or do anything much as I sat on train for my early morning and evening commutes. Instead I sat there trying to imagine the life story of the person sitting across from me, sharing a pole with me or standing quite literally on top of me.

I wondered if their lives were at all like I would imagine or if they divert completely from anything I could possibly conjure. The lady handing over the chocolate croissant to the young boy, what does she do? Where does she live? The man in the super sharp suit but dirty shoes. Was there a story behind that, how does he live, what's a day in his life like? Or the lady who looked positively broken, beaten down, sad and terrified... Was this just a bad day, a bad moment or a hard life. I couldn't know for sure.  It's not about judgment, it's just a healthy dose of curiosity.

As I played this little exercise in my head, one I'm sure I'm not alone in doing (people watching is a thing), I wondered what people think when they look at me. I wondered about their assumptions, if their versions come close to the truth. And that led me to thinking about how we present ourselves everyday and all the different layers and the little truths and untruths.

I guess everyone sometimes or somehow fakes it. The office persona you put on sometimes even unknowingly, the voice and tone when you're on an important phone call and want to make sure you're taken seriously. The way we dress when we know we're going to be seen or watched versus the way we are at home.

So I thought to try a little exercise, share one very real day in my life, not the edited version I normally share on here. Then I realized that I just might bore people to death, not enough happens in any one day to make for a remotely interesting read. But bore you I will, or at least I'll try. One day in my life, coming up soon...all the gory details. I invite anyone who wants to join in this exercise to let me know- I would love yo share your stories too.

Zara sweater: $12.99 SALE
Zara pumps: $59.90 $19.99 SALE
denim: Century 21 from eons ago


