Pardon the Interruption: BikeFest

Looking outside at the moment, it seems really silly to be talking about biking or any activity of that sort. Actually, as I made my way to the train, I overheard this guy saying it was the last time he would ever attempt riding his bike in the snow.  Yeah seriously dude, what were u thinking??  It's not like there's 15 inches of snow out there.

Anyhoo- Biking came up because I just started getting email reminders about registering for the different Bike tours, as well as requests for Volunteers (volunteered last year prior to learning to ride.)

Proof for my sis and yes I only just learned- no shame in my game

So, I'm kinda excited about actually participating this time around.  The hubby does pretty much every bike tour he can sign up for, but I think if I participate in only one this time around it would have to be the Montreal Bike Fest.  For one, I think I would sound extra cool, saying we drove 6hrs to participate (hey, whatever works).

Registration started, 29CAD for adults

Now all I have left to do is get a Bike
The Bike I want

The Bike I got

Inspiration: Bollywood


Etsy Spring Lookbook: [Look 2]